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∙ community   ∙ development   ∙ football for all


Welcome to our First Kicks & Fun Football

Our First Kicks and Fun Football grades are specially designed for both boys and girls aged between the ages of 5 and 8 yrs old. Experience is not important nor is their skill level. It's all about having loads of fun on a Saturday morning while learning.

Games are usually played at Rosedale Park, starting at 8:00am on Saturday mornings. Each game is 10 minutes long, with First Kicks playing 3 games and Fun Football playing 4 each Saturday. There is a 5 minute break between games to allow for a drink and a change of field if required. 

First Kicks (5th & 6th grade) teams play 3-aside and Fun Football (7th & 8th grade) play 5-aside. Both First Kicks and Fun Football play with no goalkeepers.

Fields are typically 30m in length x 20m in width, with goals 2m in length x 1m in width. All fields are numbered, and the draw will show which field number you are on per game. 

Each player should be wearing an Albany club shirt, shorts and socks for their game. 

If you haven't purchased yours yet, or don’t have this from an older sibling, please click on the club shop & merchandise tab or click here.

For all games and training, players must be wearing shin pads and boots. These can be purchased at any sporting outlet.

What happens if it’s raining?  

If it’s light or intermittent rain Play goes on. As a winter sport in New Zealand, its expected there will be some drizzly days, it is usually more fun with a few puddles!! 

If it’s heavy/stormy rain, please check our social media (make sure you “LIKE” our Albany United Facebook page for all club news and info during the season or click here) 

We’ll also send communications via Texts to the coach/manager.

From here the coaches/managers will send cascade communication to their team (parents).

We aim to communicate by 7am on a Saturday should there be a cancellation. This allows time for field inspections and communication with our governing Federation body.

Should the fields be closed by our local Council, We will be notified by 7am on the Saturday morning, and communicate as above.

Cluster Trainings for First Kicks

Where: Rosedale Park

When: Wednesdays - 4.30pm - 5.30pm

Who: all 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th grade players, parents, coaches, managers are welcome

(doesn’t need to be whole team, anyone is welcome to join in – and we particularly ask for coaches/managers/parents to join in)

Why: Supporting our coaches with technical, consistent, fun football practices illustrating good coaching ideas and practice.
Giving the players some consistency across the teams in how the trainings/skill sessions are delivered. Giving coaches some training “on the job”. Providing as many training / coaching opportunities for players to jump into as we can

Cost:  FREE for Albany Winter Season registered players

Interested in Coaching or Refereeing?

This is a valuable way to learn more about the game and get involved with your club and your child’s sport. 

We will be running internal coaching courses at the club. Check our social media or get in touch for more information.

Have a question regarding our First Kicks or Fun Football?

email us firstkicks@albanyunited.org

First Kicks & Fun Football Info


Grade     Format

U5 mixed            3 v 3

U6 mixed            3 v 3

U7 mixed            5 v 5

U8 mixed            5 v 5

Subs     Game

NZF WoF      (2x15) or (3x10)

NZF WoF      (2x15) or (3x10)

NZF WoF      (2x15) or (3x10)

NZF WoF      (2x15) or (3x10)

       Field Size
   Min            Max

25m x 15m         30m x 20m

25m x 15m         30m x 20m

25m x 20m         30m x 20m

25m x 20m         30m x 20m

Penalty       Ball
Area            Size

   n/a                          3

   n/a                          3

   n/a                          3

   n/a                          3

Offside Goalkeep

      n/a                  n/a

      n/a                  n/a

      n/a                  n/a

      n/a                  n/a

      Goal Size
  Min         Max

2m x 1m           2m x 1m 

2m x 1m           2m x 1m 

2m x 1m           2m x 1m 

2m x 1m           2m x 1m 

NZF - New Zealand Football

WoF - Whole of Football Plan



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